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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Olamide and Natalie: Olamide Faison from Sesame Dating Natalie Nunn from Bad Girls Dating Club

Hearsays abound that Olamide Faison or better known as Olamide Sesame because he was an alumnus of the now-defunct children's show Sesame Street is dating Natalie Nunn. Natalie gained fame from Bad Girls Dating Club, a reality show. Olamide and Natalie has been dating for six years now, according to some rumors floating online.
Olamaide Faison-Olamide and Natalie Dating
Why do much people care about Olamide Faison, anyway? This 28 year old former child star was an important character in the Sesame Workshop by playing Miles Robinson. Right now, he's the lead singer/guitarist of Imajin, a Universal/Motown band. Natalie, on the other hand, has been a notorious member of the Bad Girls Dating Club and formerly a girlfriend of Chris Brown. Seems like this is relationship is not meant to last after all. To Olamide and Natalie, we hope you can work it out real good to prove us all wrong.